How To Save Electricity: Practical Tips To Reduce Your Bill

Save Electricity

Understanding how to save electricity is the first step to cutting costs on your electricity bill. Those who protect light are doing themselves a favour by containing monthly expenses and the environment. Adopting the right behaviours to save electricity lends a helping hand to eco-sustainable forms of consumption, in line with the green change necessary to safeguard the planet. But how to save electricity at home? We will explain it to you with ten tips for everyone.

How to save on bills

Four items have a significant impact on the price of the electricity bill:

Sales services include the price of energy, the cost of dispatching and the marketing price, i.e. the set of activities carried out by the operator to purchase and resell the electricity component to customers. They represent the variable part of the bill on which operators can intervene independently, thanks to the free market.

Grid services:

The activities of transporting electricity on the national and local distribution networks up to the meter. The Authority establishes the tariff, and to this are added the system charges imposed by law.

System charges:

these are established by law and include the fees intended to cover the costs relating to activities of general interest for the electricity system or the gas system paid by end customers
Taxes: i.e. excise duty and VAT

Saving energy is independent of these costs. Instead, we need to cut variable prices.
Consumption habits, family members, chosen manager and type of rate. When one wonders how to save electricity, the variables one has to deal with are these.

Relying on a serious supplier and choosing a light offer suited to your style of consumption is the first step to avoiding having nasty surprises on your bill. Green Network, for example, in addition to supplying energy from 100% renewable sources, guarantees low and blocked prices for 12 months.

But, after having changed managers, there is still a lot to do to reduce consumption. First, you have to work on your habits.

Improve your habits to save:

Let’s see the fastest and most effective ways to save electricity by changing your daily habits.
Reduce standby consumption. Did you know that appliances continue to consume energy even when switched off? This is because their feeders absorb it. Hence, the little red light, which means standby, is the bitter enemy of anyone who intends to save in the morning. Television, cordless, microwave oven, refrigerator, power supply: any appliance contributes to waste. Save energy by constantly unplugging appliances from the socket or connecting them to a single switch strip to simplify the operation.

Choose low-consumption appliances:

Have you ever heard of energy class? Then know that relying on a more efficient energy class perfectly answers the question of how to save electricity. Class A+++, Class A++ or Class A+ appliances, i.e. those with highly efficient consumption, guarantee a reduction in consumption ranging between 25% and 45% depending on the device. Furthermore, the initial expense, already partially mitigated thanks to tax incentives, is soon amortized due to the net cuts on the electricity bill.

Use timers and smart devices:

Another very effective way to combat energy waste and, therefore, to reduce bill costs is to use electrical equipment only when it is essential. Using timers and smart devices, it is possible to program the switching on and off of electrical equipment by time or remotely via the app, according to one’s habits, or to be sure that everything is off when you sleep.

Use led bulbs:

Use LED bulbs to save on light. High-efficiency fluorescent bulbs cost more than incandescent bulbs but are a safe and reliable investment. In addition, they argue in their favour for lower electricity consumption, longer life and a reduction in eye fatigue.

Give up extra appliances:

When you think about saving electricity, you must be strict but fair. Do you need all the appliances you turn on in your house? We, even the most moderate, undoubtedly have an extra appliance. An intelligent solution is to get rid of them or at least consider their use. Cordless phones (because of their constant power supply), water heaters, digital alarm clocks: there’s something for everyone when it comes to wasting energy. Sometimes even the household appliances that appear fundamental to our eyes, if only out of habit or convenience, hide pitfalls. Do you need a dishwasher if you live alone or as a couple, or can you go back to the old days? Obviously, in this case, provided that the waste is not transformed from electricity to water.

Respect the rate you have chosen:

When we talk about consumption habits, we refer to how, how much and when appliances are used. For this reason, it is important to know our user’s contract type. If, for example, you have relied on a two-hour electricity tariff to maximize its peculiarities, you need to use high-consumption appliances on the days when you spend less. When? Between 19 and 7 in the morning from Monday to Friday, at any time on weekends and public holidays.

Keep your consumption under control:

How to save electricity without checking consumption? Making your life easier is an excellent way to prevent bill increases. There are several ways to check how much you are spending. First, there are electricity meters for private homes on the market, which allow those who are less accustomed to avoiding complicated calculations to check how much their appliances are consuming.

The secrets to saving electricity are not only those listed above. Using the air conditioner in moderation, unplugging the chargers, removing the battery from laptops and unplugging the modem when not in use are just more rules to follow to cut the bill’s costs. We close with the banalest: turn off the lights. The bad habit of leaving them on even during the day needs to be improved.

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